Forecasting & Avalanche Control
Our Avalanche Hazard Management programs are specific to avalanche danger areas. Our approach to hazard management involves observing, consolidating, analyzing, and evaluating relevant information for snow stability analysis and forecasting. Techniques include:
- Daily or weekly forecasting of snow avalanche hazard conditions
- Initiating specific actions and states of alertness for current or anticipated snow avalanche hazards to companies at risk using avalanche danger ratings compliant with Canadian Avalanche Association Industry Standards
- Coordinating and/or conducting effective short-term avalanche control measures, such as the use of helicopter bombing, recoilless 105mm, Howitser, Avalauncher, explosive charges (case charging, hand bombing, cornice), Gazex, Daisy Bell or closures
- Deciding the application of the most effective and economic short term avalanche control measure under a given circumstance
- Organizing, directing and providing support while conducting snow avalanche search and rescue operations,
- Recommending and initiating changes and improvements to avalanche prevention and safety programs,
- Liaison with partners where avalanche operations and resources are associated with avalanche hazard management areas (eg MoT, Parks Canada)