Storm Mountain Technical Services Inc. (Storm Mountain) has developed a number of methodologies to assist management to quantify risk, help management to define acceptable limits, and if risks are found to be unacceptably high, to reduce the likelihood of occurrence or the consequences. We provide a complete range of Avalanche Risk Management (ARM) services to the transportation, mining, hydro, forestry, and development industries. Risk Management techniques are used to assist with:


  • Forecasting & Avalanche Control
  • Risk Assessments
  • Avalanche Safety Plans (ASP’s)
  • Mountain Safety
  • Training and Education


Storm Mountain’s Qualified Avalanche Professionals have extensive experience conducting avalanche risk assessments and have introduced the SMART (Storm Mountain Avalanche Risk Table) Matrix to industry clients throughout British Columbia to ensure their field personnel are protected. Our broad-based, common-sense approach conforms to national and international guidelines for risk management. Company specific ARM programs have been developed for some of Canada’s largest mining and railway companies and have been applied on projects in Canada, Iceland and Greenland. Storm Mountain also provides safety services and training for clients operating in technical mountain terrain including glaciers and steep rock.



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